St. James United Church

Organ specifications
16′ Double Open Diapason
8′ Diapason I
8′ Diapason II
8′ Hohl Flute
8′ Rohr Flute
8′ Gemshorn
4′ Principal
4′ Flute
2 2/3′ Twelfth
2′ Fifteenth
IV-V Mixture
III Mixture
16′ Contra Fagotto
8′ Trumpet
4′ Clarion
Chimes (CH)
Swell (expressive)
16′ Lieblich Bourdon
8′ Open Diapason
8′ Harmonic Flute
8′ Lieblich Gedeckt
8′ Viola da Gamba
8′ Viola Ætheria
8′ Voix Celeste
4′ Octave
4′ Flute
2′ Flautino
III Mixture
16′ Bassoon
8′ Cornopean
8′ Oboe
8′ Vox Humana
4′ Clarion
Choir (expressive)
16′ Lieblich Gedackt
8′ Gamba
8′ Lieblich Flute
8′ Flute Celeste
8′ Spitz Flute
8′ Dulciana
4′ Flute octaviante
2 2/3′ Nazard
2′ Piccolo
1 3/5′ Tierce
8′ Clarinet
8′ Tuba
Solo (enclosed)
8′ Stentorphone
8′ Doppel Flute
8′ German Gamba
8′ Concert Flute
4′ Violina
8′ Cor anglais
8′ Orchestral Oboe
8′ Tuba
Chimes (CH)
Harp (CH)
32′ Acoustic Bass
16′ Open Diapason
16′ Violone
16′ Bourdon
16′ Gemshorn (GR)
16′ Lieblich Bourdon (SW)
8′ Bass Flute
8′ Viola
8′ Stopped Flute
4′ Flute
32′ Bombarde
16′ Trombone
16′ Bassoon (SW)
8′ Trumpet
Usual sub octave, unison and octave couplers plus Great Reeds on Choir, Great Reeds on Solo and Great Reeds on Pedal.
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