Colonial Church

Colonial Church
M.P. Möller
United States of America

Organ specifications


16′ Gemshorn
8′ Principal
8′ Bourdon
8′ Gemshorn
4′ Octave
2-2/3′ Twelfth
2′ Fifteenth
1-1/3′ Mixture III-V
1/2′ Sharp III
8′ Cornet V
16′ Contra Fagotto (SW)
8′ Trumpet
8′ Trompette en chamade

Swell (expressive)

8′ Viole de gambe
8′ Voix Celeste
8′ Rohrflöte
8′ Dolce Flute
8′ Flute Celeste
4′ Spitz Principal
4′ Traverse Flute
2′ Piccolo
1-1/3′ Larigot
2′ Mixture III-IV
16′ Contra Fagotto
8′ Cornopean
8′ Fagotto
8′ Oboe
4′ Soprano Fagotto


8′ Lieblich Gedeckt
8′ Quintadena
4′ Principal
4′ Open Flute
2-2/3′ Nazard
2′ Octave
2′ Waldflöte
1-3/5′ Tierce
1′ Sifflöte
8′ Trompette
8′ Cromorne
8′ Trompette en chamade


32′ Resultant
16′ Principal
16′ Subbass
16′ Gemshorn (GR)
10-2/3′ Gemshorn Quint
8′ Octave
8′ Pommer
4′ Choral Bass
4′ Nachthorn
2′ Mixture III
32′ Contra Posaune (digital)
16′ Posaune
16′ Fagotto (SW)
8′ Octave Posaune
4′ Schalmey
8′ Trompette en chamade
4′ Trompette en chamade

Usual octave, sub octave and unison couplers.

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